Hello from the future!
Thank you to those who submitted for participating! Make another postcard and share it!

Mari McMillan
Smells like lavender and pine, looks green and lush, sounds quiet no machinery because everything’s electric, lots of laughter, tastes like coffee.

Remember back when you were a kid and the flood waters got up to the top balcony, and all you could say was “Daddy let’s go swimming!” while there was a damn hurricane outside!? Well, it happened again and we had to make some changes to the city.

Nadia, remember when we would sit on the generator droid by the river when we were younger? Finally fixed that hunk of junk back up, and it’s running on the banks right now!

Hey hon! You won’t believe what we got going now. The new fabricators for the turbine blades came in and we finally got the last one running! The ivy from your seed vault is doing great, it’s loving the roof garden more than I thought!

Het is koud hier! Maar in de bolkassen is het wat warmer en kunnen we lekker plantjes laten groeien.

Hi Chan We are pulling a project together called ‘fighting the global fire’ Can you remind me about the biochar-plantation-fire-prevention work that was done in Sumatra that that prevented 100,000,000 tonnes per year of releases? It would be a great worked example Cheers Hans

I went for a walk through the city at dawn today. You wouldn’t call it a city to 2021 standards, but more like a human-inhabited forest. The sidewalks are made of grass, the streets smell of pine trees, and the birds sing their hearts out every morning.

Dear Phaedra….I am loving all the beauty around me in the lush gardens of the rain forest. We have plenty of sunlight and rain to keep the foliage green and the air is so pure. We developed new innovations to keep our planet healthy.

Posi Tucker
Dear Ari – Our future planet has sunny skies and palm trees and I hear sounds of the waterfalls which give us our source of clean water. It feels and smells like spring – the awakening of the leaves on the trees and the smell of the rich soil.

Hi Hans Hope you are keeping warm. This is the view from the top of Penang Hill, across Fairhaven, back to the mainland. I’m pleased to say that these new low-wind-speed turbines do actually work! What a relief! Cheers! Chan….

Hi Chan Thanks for your cards – reminding me of warmer days! It’s bitterly cold here in Newfoundland. Not seen any bears yet. The Arctic refreezing project is coming on well. That crazy machine we designed works a treat! Ciao! Hans………..

Hi Hans A cool restaurant in the New Orleans district of Fairhaven, just off the main canal. There are loads of rowboats to get around and a really fun atmosphere, it’s a nice touch. The residential district behind it is charming, lots of bikes, Cheers! Chan…