Hello from the future!


Thank you to those who submitted for participating! Make another postcard and share it!

mack’o lord

“Breath in… And breath out”, those simple moments in life I lived for until the disaster struck our small community. The trees took this opportunity to prosper their roots, sticking to the ground with a deep intention to stay dormant. The soil does not question this act of compassion.

Jenieyah Diaz

No fossil fuels Balance with nature and cities


There is lots of plant life everywhere, we hear birds, insects, and other animals all day long, and the air smells very fresh.


It seem to be snowy and it feels cold. I can smell the cold air although when I go inside the tree globe, I can also smell the trees.

me in the future

The air smells great and the water is clear.


It’ll look greener and like towns and cities more foresty. It’ll feel like you’re more outside in nature than just being in the city.


I see/hear plants/trees/animals living within their environments naturally/happily without pollution affecting them, plus nature and humans living together in peace. The food grown is pesticide free and has such flavor, not many processed goods anymore and if they are they are in biodegradable containers.


I see/hear plants/trees/animals living within their environments naturally/happily without pollution affecting them, plus nature and humans living together in peace. The food grown is pesticide free and has such flavor, not many processed goods anymore and if they are they are in biodegradable containers.


My positive climate future is giving back to the earth. Taking down unnecessary buildings, so we can rebuild our world. Going back to the time when the earth was filled with nature and not concrete. Loving our earth for all of its beauty. Giving the animals there habitats back.


There’s a lot less pollution in the air people tend to spend more time outside with a colorful nature, and the overall environment feels calm.

Tyler Barsness

The air is fresh, there is more green everywhere, more peace. The effects truly scared the world, and it made people a little more relaxed once we were able to alleviate the problem. The future looks bright for our earth.

Tiffany Kebabe

I’m in the Midwest and everything is so peaceful. The air is always clean, there are miles of walking space everywhere and at every corner you can find beautiful gardens growing with all sorts of neat plants. And the technology is spectacular. I love how everything’s worked together!