Hello from the future!


Thank you to those who submitted for participating! Make another postcard and share it!

Roan Bresnahan

My positive climate future looks like a future with no burning of gas or other burns that emit CO2 and it sounds like the wind passing through little turbines that produce energy and no longer smells like gas or pollution or burning gas and the same with taste.


You can hear the birds chirping over the sounds of the waterfall. Heck, I can even feel the mist on my face from way out here.


this is what the future looks like, it looks green, it sounds quiet, and it’s clean and efficient. people are happy and they interact with nature it feels like it’s not real but it is. it is hard to believe.

Colin Ryder

It’s in an unending state of stable, change. The world is green and vibrant beyond our imagination. The sun drops on the water and powers our lives.


The water level has risen, a lot of reclaimed land has been given back to the sea and now forms the bed for new coral reefs. Divers like to visit and dive the wreck of old apartment building and malls. Many waterfalls have had passive power dynamos fitted.


You will not belive how the gravity well is doing! At first we didn’t have hopes for any rainfall but thanks to the local water harvesting and permaculture collective, the watershed is coming back to this desert rock!


It would look lush and green and bright. It would smell like fresh air on the first spring day, or after some delightful rain. We would feel proud to accomplish such an achievement.


The pollen is gettin’ crazy now that the winds are blowing in. Keeps blocking the air intake to the tether generators. But someone forked the original design that you uploaded and fixed it! Here it is, the brand spanking new tethergen! The ecorestoration circle has been working on this


A bunch of storms rolled through last week in the valley. The water collection system you made has been in overdrive after the trees were able to quench their thirst. You can see the overflow indicator is finally red! Wild that we used to hate floods. Now we depend

Luiza Mitrache

I live in symbiosis with nature. I hear water birds and cracking trees. I see many nuances of green, brown and yellow. I plant and grow my own food. I produce my own energy.


The central Willamette Valley’s old grass seed farms are now overgrown with wildflowers and blackberry brambles. And the huge five square mile food forest we began planting a decade ago is really coming into its own. I’ve been taking my turn at aerial turbine maintenance. The first time I strapped


I had to trudge through snow in -5 degrees last week to fix a problem with the wind power distribution system. The electricity was there, but we couldn’t get enough juice flowing to power both garden heaters and homes. We had to act fast; in the freezing Cascadian mountains