Hello from the future!


Thank you to those who submitted for participating! Make another postcard and share it!


I had to trudge through snow in -5 degrees last week to fix a problem with the wind power distribution system. The electricity was there, but we couldn’t get enough juice flowing to power both garden heaters and homes. We had to act fast; in the freezing Cascadian mountains


The future here in the eastern Cascadian smells lush and sweet. Big improvements in water harvesting technology are not only a huge relief, but have been a game changer here for communities in the high desert. It’s meant we have plenty of drinking water, and there’s even been an


Life in the Crooked Creek gets better everyday as we continue learning how to create homes and communities that work in cooperation with the surrounding environment, rather than exploiting it. Efforts to reverse local desertification continue, and have already resulted in an explosion of life throughout our grasslands ecosystem.


Soaked to the bone today, the atmospheric water generators have been working overtime with the humidity. Feels like a real rainstorm in the food forest, almost like the old days. The plants don’t care if it’s a storm or the AWG’s, they are just thirsty!


The chinampa project is finally up and running! Just powered on the flood generator last week. Finally getting power to our camp and pretty soon gonna have some amazing fish spawns. Crazy this is all just floating out in the water, like a little private island.


Alexi, we finally got the oranges to come in. Been -24 for the past couple of days but the geothermal heat is still rockin’ and making sure everything stays alive. Research is coming along, though I wish I didn’t have to walk to the grow chambers in the snow!

ben west

I’m pretty sure this is you backyard. It smells like flowers and cookies the kids are making (they are still the kids even though they are all grown up now). You can hear the tide coming in and an eagle circling above. Everyone feels safe and comfortable here.

Mari McMillan

Smells like lavender and pine, looks green and lush, sounds quiet no machinery because everything’s electric, lots of laughter, tastes like coffee.


Remember back when you were a kid and the flood waters got up to the top balcony, and all you could say was “Daddy let’s go swimming!” while there was a damn hurricane outside!? Well, it happened again and we had to make some changes to the city.


Nadia, remember when we would sit on the generator droid by the river when we were younger? Finally fixed that hunk of junk back up, and it’s running on the banks right now!


Hey hon! You won’t believe what we got going now. The new fabricators for the turbine blades came in and we finally got the last one running! The ivy from your seed vault is doing great, it’s loving the roof garden more than I thought!


Het is koud hier! Maar in de bolkassen is het wat warmer en kunnen we lekker plantjes laten groeien.